Terms & Conditions


In compliance with the provisions of the Spanish legislation in the Law of Services of the Information Society (LSSI) published in the Official Gazette (BOE) of 12 July 2002, the following document is published:

1- Identification data

Gerall Consulting with CIF {CIF} and his registered office in C/ Major, 35 - 1r, 08551 Tona.

2- GerallConsulting.com services and website use license

Gerall Consulting offers a limited and revocable license to use his GerallConsulting.com website and its services under the terms and conditions reflected herein license. This license does not include the right to collect or use information from the web for prohibited actions by GerallConsulting.com, compete with GerallConsulting.com, create reports based on the contents of GerallConsulting.com, or save a copy of the GerallConsulting.com website.

3- General rules

3.1 Prohibited use:
You may not attempt to cause any damage to the GerallConsulting.com website or his services. This is not a complete or exhaustive list but for example, you can not: Cripple GerallConsulting.com service using viruses or other programs designed to cause damage to any software or hardware. Modify or create versions of any technology used in GerallConsulting.com. Use any type of script, robot, or technology to monitor the website. Collect emails or other information through GerallConsulting.com services. Impersonate any person or entity.

3.2 Privacy and data protection:
In Gerall Consulting we are especially concerned about security and ensure confidentiality of data provided by our customers. We are committed to give you the best service and the best online experience. When a customer places an order through our secure server, your personal, domiciliary data, and those relating to purchases and payment methods are incorporated into our database to process the order. In any case, your personal information will not be transferred to third parties.

You can check our Privacy Policy and Protection of Personal Data. Data Protection Act:
In compliance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that:

A. In its capacity as owner, the responsible for this file is Gerall Consulting NIF {CIF} established in C/ Major, 35 - 1r, 08551 Tona, Spain.
Gerall Consulting guarantees the confidentiality of all information provided by his customers. In addition to the minimum established by the legislation, collection and data processing are carried out under safety standards that prevent the manipulation or data loss.

B. According to current legislation, all customers Gerall Consulting customers have the access, rectification, cancellation and opposition rights of their data. In addition, at any time, customers can express their desire not to receive any advertising. To exercise these rights, customers can contact by mail to the address: Gerall Consulting, established in C/ Major, 35 - 1r, 08551 Tona, Spain. or send an email to Gerall Consulting through the contact form on our GerallConsulting.com website.

4- Gerall Consulting rights

4.1 Monitoring
Gerall Consulting It reserves the right (without assuming the obligation) to monitor transactions and communications that occur on his GerallConsulting.com website. If Gerall Consulting determines, in its sole discretion, that a user can break any conditions of the General Conditions of Use, or said transaction or communication is inappropriate, Gerall Consulting can cancel or restrict access to that user, without more responsibilities for the Gerall Consulting
4.2 Service modifications
Gerall Consulting It reserves the right to modify the distribution, organization and appearance of his website and services, and may change or discontinue any aspect of their services and / or prices without notice and without any liability to any party.
4.3 Contract cancellation
Gerall Consulting, at its own discretion and with or without notice, may:
a) Suspend or limit the use of GerallConsulting.com to a particular user and fully close an account.
b) Delete the certain content in GerallConsulting.com servers and directories.
c) Disable the use of GerallConsulting.com services to any user
4.4 Communications sent by users
Gerall Consulting reserves the rights to use the material and communications sent by users in questions, comments, forums, ideas and contests; for marketing or other promotional events, without to be considered confidential communications.

5- Linking Policy

Gerall Consulting is not responsible for those websites or files that can be accessed through hypertext links (links) available among his site contents, since these linked pages are the responsibility of their respective owners. Gerall Consulting therefore, neither approves nor endorses products, services, content, information, data, files and any kind of material on such web pages or files and does not control and is not responsible for the quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the information content and services on linked sites, which are unrelated to Gerall Consulting. In the deemed appropriate case or a competent body declares the illegality of the data, ordering its withdrawal or that access to them is impossible, or else declared the existence of the injury, and we expressly notified the corresponding resolution, those links would be immediately removed.

6- Liability limitation

Gerall Consulting it is excluded from any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to lack of availability or continued operation of GerallConsulting.com

7- Applicable law and jurisdiction

These general conditions are ruled by the Spanish Law.
For the resolution of possible disputes, the parties undertake to submit to the courts of Tona, waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply.